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The Amazing Placenta

The birth of a mammal includes a placenta, the majority of wild animals injest the placenta to protect themselves from pedators as much as to nourish themselves. As humans we are no different in that birth is a natural physiologic process culminating the 'afterbirth' or birth of a placenta. Our cultures give the placenta many different meanings, rituals and uses, more of which are coming to light in America's rapidly changing birth community.

Just like our mammalian relatives, our placentas are a direct source of protein and hormones tailored to the mother's body. More families are opting to keep their placentas. Granted this is much less of a controversy for home births but has sparked open litigation in hospital settings: Las Vegas, April 2009.

Why would you want to keep your placenta? A common reason is a connection to the earth feeling, many bury their child's placenta beneath a tree or in their garden. The nutrients in the placenta are evident in the growth of the plant for years to come, a beautiful symbol for the growth of life. As our education about birth grows, so does the awareness of PPD or Post Partum Depression, common in the weeks to months after birth. The treatment of PPD varies in severity and treatment from case to case. A doctor may prescribe a mild antidepressent, a nutritionist would suggest excercise, fresh air and Omega 3 oils. Several effective herb blends are also on the market.

Now we get to meat of the matter, if every birth comes with a placenta natually packed with a blend of hormones specific to the mother, why is this not one of the first sources in PPD treatment? Cultures around the world use the oxytocin properties of the placenta to ward off postpartum hemmorage right after the birth. The hormones contained within the placenta are immediately available and very effective. One of the most effective ways to access this power within the placenta is placenta encapsulation. Once encapsulated it can be taken like advil or a vitamin, much more palatable than smoothies or lasagne to the majority of us. Even better, one in capsule form a placenta stays 'fresh' indefinately. It's potentcy can be accessed at any time in your life for mild depression or hormonal changes that come with an hysterectomy or the natural onset of menopause.
During my time as a Doula, one client was able to find the information to dehydrate and encapsulate her own placenta. A few internet searches may turn up someone is your area that will encapsulate your placenta for you or even create a tincture. If you are approaching the birth of your child and therefore your child's placenta weight the options out there for you.
As far as Post Partum Depression is concerned I hardly let a client out of my sight after birth without a substantial form of Omega 3 supplementation in their diet. Omega oils regulate brain and hormone function. Pregnant or not, male or female, omega 3 oils can dramatically improve mood, focus and nutrition. Wish Garden Herbs has created an entire line of pregnancy/breastfeeding safe herbal blends in tincture form that should be on every mama's medicine shelf. The Wish Garden blends Baby Blues and Emotional Ally are a must for every woman, explore their products further to find Kick-Ass and Kick-It Immune for adults and kids respectively, mother's will also appreciate Quiet Time for the overactive, older child.
Find out more about Placentas at my web site at DoulaSprings.com and more about placenta encapsulation at: Placenta Benefits.com


markus said...

That is amazing.

mike dovan said...

Truly amazing even more so with a little weed