
to the Doula Springs blog space:

Open to present a space for discussion, interaction and information. Find articles, media and inspiration for mothers, parents and the Birthing Arts.

If you have a comment interject it anywhere, this space is meant for feedback!

If you are here to share a birth story, comment in the birth stories forum where I hope many families will share their experiences and add to a space both inspirational and freeing.

Thanks for visiting!

Doula Workshop ~ Complete! ~

As of December 6th, 2008 I have completed my DONA Doula Workshop, this certificate enables me to move forward with my certification as a DONA International recognized Doula. For two days we concentrated on creating a web of support using techniques from the entire spectrum of birth knowledge. Armed with a loving touch, knowledge of communication, the use of birth art, rebozos and movement during birth each of us walked away ready to assist in any labor situation.
Our workshop was hosted by DONA International and taught by Tammy Ryan, a seasoned Doula and Mother herself.
Thanks Tammy!

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